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Digga D tickets and events in UK 2024
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- Digga D tickets and events in UK 2024
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About Digga D
This is what we found on Wikipedia regarding the Digga D:
Rhys Angelo Emile Herbert (born 29 June 2000), known professionally as Digga D, is an English rapper. He rose to fame in 2017 along with his UK drill collective CGM. His mixtapes Double Tap Diaries and Made In The Pyrex reached No. 10 and 3 on the UK Albums Chart, respectively. His third mixtape Noughty By Nature was released on 15 April 2022, debuting at number one on the UK Albums Chart. His fourth mixtape Back To Square One was released in August 2023.
Considered to be one of the pioneers of the UK drill scene, he is the founder of his current record label, Black Money Records (BMR) and managed by Groundworks.
Some of Digga D's music videos have garnered attention among law enforcement, resulting in a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) taken against him, and he has been in and out of prison during the singles and videos' releases. He was sent to prison three times before the age of 20. In January 2025, he was sentenced to 3 years and 11 months in prison for the importation and supply of cannabis.
More info on Wiki...Digga D Albums
Reviews on Digga D's 2024 events in Great Britain
For the latest updates on Digga D, check out the reviews and news in UK.- UK Drill rapper Digga D jailed for supplying cannabis BBC.com
- UK drill rapper Digga D jailed for supplying cannabis Barking and Dagenham Post
- Rapper Digga D took up cannabis at 12, Lincoln court hears BBC
- Why Was UK Rapper Digga D Jailed After His Instagram Livestream? NewsX
- UK drill rapper Digga D jailed for supplying cannabis MSN
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