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Rema tickets and events in UK 2024
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- Rema tickets and events in UK 2024
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About Rema
This is what we found on Wikipedia regarding the Rema:
Divine Ikubor (born 1 May 2000), popularly known as Rema, is a Nigerian singer, songwriter and rapper. He gained recognition with his 2019 song "Dumebi". That same year, he signed with D'Prince's record label, Jonzing World. He achieved international recognition with his 2022 single "Calm Down", which spawned a remix with American singer Selena Gomez that peaked at number three on the Billboard Hot 100. The song also led Billboard Afrobeats Songs chart for a record-setting 58 weeks.
"Calm Down" emerged from Rema's debut studio album, Rave & Roses (2022), which peaked at number 81 on the Billboard 200. His fourth commercial EP, Ravage, was released in 2023. His second album, Heis (2024), was supported by the single "Benin Boys" (with Shallipopi). The album received a nomination for Best Global Music Album at the 67th Annual Grammy Awards, earning Rema his first career nomination at the Grammys.
More info on Wiki...Rema Albums
Reviews on Rema's 2024 events in United Kingdom
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